0. Elementalist Intro

Hello forumers,

I made this post on my own blogsite because the gw2 forum’s functions are rather limited, and its’ really tedious for me to organize my guide on there. This is my first blog on wordpress, so I’m not entirely familiar with all its functions.

Here’s my thread on gw2forum, and what this revised guide is based on:


I am going to update the build section especially on big changes, since this is what mostly everyone will look at with this guide.

I would like to make this a seriously comprehensive guide for anything related to elementalists, and hopefully a guide for elementalist users in the competitive scene.

If you’d like to contribute to this guide (anything relevant to elementalists), fill out the form in the “about” menu :]

I need lots of help especially updating / finding out all of the information relevant to gameplay mechanics (cast times, aftercast times, number of hits on meteor shower, etc.)

Table of contents

1.       1. An overview of the Elementalist and D/D

2.       2. Early Leveling + General Tips

3.       3. Build : Gear, Traits and Skills (updated)

a.       3A. sPvP Builds and Setup (updated)

4.       4. Analysis on Traits, Stats, and Gear

5.       5. Analysis on Weapon Skills (not Updated)

6.       6. Skill combo tactics (not updated)

7.       7. Keyboard Setup

8.       8. Countering different classes

9.       9. Links and Videos

2 comments on “0. Elementalist Intro

  1. i have 41 charged crystals as of today, so i’m sure you do too. Which means you should have a full set of celestial armor with 2 daggers. And plans to make a video just to show off the numbers you get?

    • I have a full set of celestial armor atm and somewhere between 5-10 crystals (haven’t checked yet).

      I haven’t made any videos recently since I can’t think of any new tactics to share :P. Numberwise I am probably dealing ~50% more damage with my current gear and fresh air setup vs. conventional 0/15/0/25/30 setups without celestial gear.

      I haven’t made my daggers yet. Primarily because there going to come out with ascended weapons first (not sure if armor is coming at same time) and my legendary incinerator will have customizable stats / be on par with ascended weapons.

      If I’m not mistaken Anet plans to implement a way to salvage your armor for its celestial component. I have no idea how long it’d take for Anet to actually implement ascended weapons /armor though, so I would still craft the armor component regardless.

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