28 comments on “Celestial Stat Analysis

  1. Hey daphoenix, as you said you focused mainly on Fresh Air builds for your analysis and not 0/15/10/15/30 and 0/10/10/20/30 bunker D/D. Is Celestial gear still viable/better than Knight’s for those builds? Or is the loss of prec and crit dmg not worth the boost to other stats which don’t scale as well (heal, cond dmg, etc.). My question is mainly from PvE perspective.

    • Celestial weapons + armor is definitely superior to knights for the 0/15/10/15/30 or 0/10/10/20/30 setup! Since the analysis I did on fresh air has more precision and critical damage vs. toughness, here’s the new analysis, with updated values.

      For a 0/15/10/15/30 setup:

      (1) 1 + Crit Chance x (Crit Damage – 1) for each point in power
      1+0.58(2.44-1) = 1.8352 for each point in power.

      (2) Power x (Crit Damage – 1)/2100 for each point in precision
      2200 (2.44-1)/2100 = 1.508 for each point in precision.

      (3) Power x Crit Chance/[(stat point tradeoff) x 100] for each stat point tradeoff for crit damage
      2200 x (0.58)/(7×100)= 1.8228 for each point in critical damage.

      For the most part, the stats are relatively ratio’d the same as the previous analysis. You should therefore stick with what I recommended with the fresh air setup.

      I fixed some errors on the analysis. For gear, you should invest in (applies to all trait setups)
      Celestial weapons and armor
      PTCD backpiece, 2 rings, and an accessory. The rest go with celestial trinkets
      Same runes
      Bloodlust sigil and superior sharpening stone

  2. Thanks for all the job you have done ! I just wanted to know your thought on using Soldier Armor instead of Knight with celestial/bersker trinkets ?
    Sorry for my english, french still sucks in other language …

    Thanks again !

    • Soldier’s armor over knights is better if you’re going for more difficult PvE content, such as fractals. The extra vitality really comes in handy at levels 30+ vs. agony attacks. You could also use soldier’s armor in WvWvW as well. You become much more tankier and hard to kill but lose out overall on DPS. Do this if you want to focus on harassing or commanding / tanking etc.

      I’d still recommend celestial over both of these armors though. Knights would be my next preference.

      • Would Celestial work effectively at those Fractal levels using the Aurashare build?

      • It depends really. In Fractals, I usually run a combination of different weapon sets. I usually use D/D on most of the easy, trash mobs. For bosses, and sub-bosses, I usually stick with staff and S/D (staff more since its been so much more approved post June 25th) for almost every scenario. Its just a lot easier to deal with all the PvE mobs at range since they can instantly kill you fairly quickly at melee range.

        So I don’t really run D/D as much as staff in fractals. Aurashare is best with D/D.
        Celestial would still work effectively for aurashare with D/D. Imo, celestial is a superior to knights gear for any weapon and trait setup.

      • Would that be for Fractals overall or just higher level Fractals? I’m still working on getting my elementalist to 80. (Not my first character, I’ve gotten to level 20 Fractal before.)

        Also, for a fresh 80 what would you say is more important to make using the finite number of Charged Quartz we have now? One Scepter, one dagger, and as much armor as possible and filling in everything else with knights? (including a second dagger and staff)

        I ask that more for general knowledge since I’m more or less the theorycrafter of my guild. I plan on getting chest, legs and boots at 80 just because I don’t want to use Fine xmute stones more than I have to >_<

      • Fractals below level 20 doesn’t really matter too much. At higher levels, you’ll notice the following:

        Staff and S/F both become apparently more useful in almost every situation.
        Arcane Shield, Mistform, and Glyph of Storms are all utilities I use mostly in fractals.

        I recommend using the finite number of Charged Quartz crystals you have as of now on armor. There is a possibility of ascended armor in the future, but they will most likely give the same armor’s stats the ability to be ascended (think of triforge pendant, and its ascended equivalent using mystic forge).

        Fine xmute’s aren’t really all that expensive though (I mean you need only 6 for each armor piece). If that’s an issue, feel free to go with weapons. You’ll however limit yourself though on what weapon/build sets whereas armor applies to everything

    • I think 6x superior rune of divinity is overrated. It really pales in comparison to what you can gain with boon duration gear, as elementalists rely heavily on boons to survive and deal more damage.

      Plus it cost a lot more as well, I don’t recommend divinity’s runes at all.

  3. Which would you prefer to do: get another PTCD accessory or stick with two +all stats accessories.

    If it’s two +all stats accessories is getting the Ancient Karka Shell a good idea or should I skip that for getting an ascended +all stats item? Thanks.

    • So I finished my current setup:

      I use full celestial armor and customized accessories for whatever build set up I want. Celestial armor is superior to all other armor sets if you use your armor stats as a base and accessories for customization. Plus accessories can come in cavalier, whereas armor/weapons does not.

      Currently I have this:
      Full celestial armor
      Berserker Staff & knight’s daggers
      2 Cavalier rings, 1 Cavalier accessory, 1 Cavalier backpiece, the rest as celestial

      You might even want to opt for another cavalier accessory, if your using a fresh air setup such as 0/30/0/10/30. When I get my celestial weapons, I am more than likely going to opt for one more cavalier accesory. I do not suggest opting for a cavalier amulet though, since its not stat optimal.

  4. I’m not sure why you’d pick the superior rune of Melandru. I noticed I wasn’t always as stacked up on might as I would prefer. Now a rune such as superior rune of Strength (2 similar alternatives available) hands out a staggering 20 percent might duration increase! Results are that I feel buffed, walking around like I just had a nice go in the gym 😉 Indeed, ‘might makes me right’ (dumbest remark in guild wars which can lead to bleeding ears upon excessive repetition)

    • This is definitely a viable option. Having an increased 20% might duration means that you will on average 20% more buff stacks up. Normally on an average battle I’ll have somewhere between 9-15 stacks up, 12 on average. With a 20% buff duration increase, you could be looking at 2-4 more stacks of might upkeep (average of 3).

      3 stacks of might is 35×3 =105 power and 105 condition. If you think that power/condition increase by ~100 for 2 rune slots is worth it, then sure by all means go for it! Personally I enjoy having -10% condition duration since I don’t necessarily remove all my conditions. Sometimes I let them wear out, by having maximized condition duration reduction (-10% melandru, -40% lemongrass, -33% CCs with earth trait).

      Conditions are the meta now adays as well (every spvp team relies heavily on AoE conditions). Warriors can easily get 25 stacks of confusion, necros have torment stacks, etc.

  5. Thanks for the reply! Always nice when numbers are implemented in the answer 🙂 Guess its a choice beween approx. 10% more damage or minus 10% condition. {depending on how you look at it, from base power or geared up power}. One more question, did you ever calculate the required amount of additional boon duration? For example, if I could acquire swiftness every 5 seconds, I wouldnt need to have the boon linger over 5 seconds to permanently benefit from it. Thanks! And take your time to answer, I didn’t understand my post needed approval before 😉

    • So its like this:

      Arcana 5 (trait that gives you swiftness on air attunement swap) procs 5 seconds normally. With 60% boon duration increase, that’s 8 seconds.
      Normal air attunement swap is 9 seconds. Fresh air lets you get air attunement every 5 seconds.

      So with fresh air + boon duration gear:
      Your air attunement CD is 5 seconds at best, with 8 seconds of swiftness upon activation. Meaning your upkeeping your swiftness in battle by over 3 seconds. This means your basically piling up swiftness over time in combat. Same as fury too.
      Less boon duration means instead of upkeeping over by 3 seconds, it will be like 0-3 seconds depending on how much boon duration you got.

      Don’t forget boon duration is amazing with protection and regeneration from arcana5 :]

  6. -Weapons, armor and trinkets with magic find will become account bound, lose their current stats and will gain the ability to be double-clicked to select one of several stat options depending on the item.-

    What stats do you think we will need with this change ?

    • Celestial doesn’t apply to this. They will simply remove MF from it and apply an account bound MF to all characters. I didn’t pick celestial items for MF whatsoever.

      Items with primary stat as magic find aren’t items you should have in the first place anyways. If you did have an item with those stats, I would recommend picking knights / soldiers stat setups.

  7. Hi just read you’re write up, firstly just want to say thank you. I’ve played just about all the classes now and busy leveling my elementalist. Just a few questions, I’ve had this mind set that zerk with ruby orbs were the way to go no matter the class. If I understand this right clestial is a more viable route to go ? I also want to get my elementalist up high in fractals, what level have you achieved with this build in fractals ? Also since most other players would go full zerk for fractals won’t you get more agro from mobs or is the 1600 toughness still lower than other classes as full zerk ? Sorry for all the questions, just wanna enjoy my elementalist to the full thanks again. 🙂
    P.S sorry if it posts twice, not sure if the other comment went through

    • Celestial is the more viable route to go if you go DPS. Its best in slot for weapons/armor.

      The higher your armor (class armor + toughness), the more likely you will draw aggro. This is why guardians generally receive the most attacks from mobs, and it helps them with their reflect / block mitigation.

      From wiki:
      Total 920 1064 1211
      Light Medium Heavy

      Warrior’s have an extra ~300 armor more than an elementalist. Zerker gear generally has about 1300 toughness for a warrior. I’m running 1600 toughness on my elementalist. 1300 + 300 = 1600.

      Yes your armor is essential the same as a zerker warrior.

      • Thanks makes more sense now that I’m actually level 80 and understand the build and class a lot more, just one question about your gear, I saw on 2 different places you said 2 different things for your jewelry etc. are you running 2 celestial accessories, 1 celestial amulet and 2 cavalier rings and backpiece now ? Thanks 🙂

      • Currently at the moment I am running 5 cavalier accessories, and 1 celestial amulet since the amulet’s critical damage has much better return than the cavalier amulet.

  8. Since there’s ascended cavalier weapons now and most likely cavalier ascended armor, what do you think of full cavalier’s + weapons with celestial ascended accessories?

    • I don’t think its wise to go all cavalier items. Toughness tends to have diminishing stats later on, and stacking only power,toughness, crit damage does not work if you have hardly any precision for criticals.

      That being said, I would opt for celestial weapons/armor still and just keep mostly cavalier accessories :]

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